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Home: Welcome
Magisk bobleshow

There is no one who has not seen or blown soap bubbles. Many small and large bubbles look magical and enchanting. You can buy soap bubbles in almost any store, and it is not difficult to make soapy water yourself. In this case, a question arises: "What is so special about this show?"

The program depends primarily on the skills of the artists. Here are some options for tricks and effects you can experience:

  • Different tricks with magical bubbles from small to large, approximately 1.5 meters in diameter.

  • Tricks with hands.

  • On a large frame.

  • Figures on a table with LED lights.

  • Tricks with various rackets.


Bubbles with smoke and flame. It is incredible how many tricks can be done with a soap bubble. Are you wondering if there are square bubbles? I will answer yes! Does it seem impossible to get a giant soap bubble indoors? I will, of course, answer yes, and you even get permission to stand inside it. I offer a show from 15 minutes to an hour, depending on the type of event, customer preferences, and the age and number of guests.

The show can be held indoors. Outdoors, the program will not be as effective, as most tricks simply do not work. I have protective carpets, so not a single drop will be left after the show. Further details can be discussed.

I offer a soap bubble show for children's birthdays, weddings, welcome events, family days, Christmas parties, etc. Who is the show for? Both for children and adults. The bubble show is an airy adventure journey. This always provides a positive experience.

I promise you will like it!

Looking forward to presenting this fantastic show!

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Send your request now
For the show at a children's birthday, Christmas party, wedding, family celebration


+47 45 14 09 24

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  • YouTube - svarte sirkelen

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  • YouTube - svarte sirkelen



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